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PostSubject: COD4 FUNTION LIST   COD4 FUNTION LIST I_icon_minitimeThu 03 Feb 2011, 8:44 am

Dvars needed for stats and prestige codes to work:

setDvar("scr_forcerankedmatch", 1 );

Infectable Dvars:

self setclientdvar( "clanName", "TXBH" ); //Sets clan tag
self setclientdvar( "r_fullbright", 1 ); //Makes the game cartoon looking
self setclientdvar( "party_connectToOthers", "0" ); //makes you always start your own lobby
self setClientdvar( "timescale", "0.5" ); //Increases/decreases game speed
self setclientdvar( "player_burstFireCooldown", "0" ); //removes burst fire wait time
self setclientdvar( "bg_fallDamageMinHeight", "9999" ); //needed for increased jump height
self setclientdvar( "bg_fallDamageMinHeight", "9998" ); //needed for increased jump height
self setclientdvar( "jump_height", "900" ); //Increases jump height
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawFPS", "Simple" ); // shows fps counter on screen
self setClientDvar( "perk_bulletdamage", 99 ); //Increased Bullet damage
self setClientDvar( "perk_grenadeDeath", "rpg_mp" ); //change martydom grenade
self setclientDvar( "friction", 0.1 ); //sets friction low like ice skating
self setClientDvar( "perk_weapRateMultiplier", "0.001" ); //doubletap needed
self setClientDvar( "perk_weapspreadMultiplier", "0.001" ); // steadyaim needed
self setClientDvar( "perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier", "5" );// increased bullet penetration
self setClientDvar( "player_sustainAmmo", "1" ); //Unlimited Ammo
self setClientDvar( "cg_laserForceOn", "1" ); //Laser sight
self setClientDvar( "player_meleeRange", "999" ); //Knife players across the map
self setClientDvar( "player_sprintSpeedScale", "5.0" ); //Increased sprint speed
self setClientDvar( "cg_enemyNameFadeOut", "900000" ); //Show enemies names constantly
self setClientDvar( "cg_enemyNameFadeIn", "0" ); //same as above
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawThroughWalls", "1" ); //Show player names through walls
self setClientDvar( "perk_weapreloadMultiplier", "0.001" ); //instant reload
self setclientDvar( "compassSize", "2" ); //Increased map size
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepEnabled", "1" ); //radar always on
self setClientDvar( "compass", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "compass_show_enemies", "1" ); //always show enemies
self setClientDvar( "scr_game_forceuav", "1" ); //radar always on
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepEnabled", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange", "99999" );
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ", "99999" );
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "compassRadarUpdateTime", "0.001" );
self setClientDvar( "compassFastRadarUpdateTime", "2" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_footsteps", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "player_sprintUnlimited", "1" ); //unlimited sprint
self setClientDvar( "cg_enemyNameFadeOut", "900000" );
self setclientdvar( "g_gravity", "20" ); //set game gravity
setDvar( "onlinegame", "1" ); //sets the game as online

[color=blue]Give Weapon:[/color]

self GiveWeapon( "defaultweapon_mp" );
self GiveWeapon( "deserteaglegold_mp" );

[color=blue]Give Killstreaks on spawn:[/color]

mapsmpgametypes_hardpoints::giveHardpointItem( "radar_mp" );
mapsmpgametypes_hardpoints::giveHardpointItem( "airstrike_mp" );
mapsmpgametypes_hardpoints::giveHardpointItem( "helicopter_mp" );

[color=blue]Complete all Challenges Code:[/color]

{ self iPrintlnBold("^2 Completing all challenges please wait");
setDvar( "onlinegame", "1" );
self.challengeData = [];
for ( i = 1; i <= level.numChallengeTiers; i++ )
tableName = "mp/challengetable_tier"+i+".csv";

for( idx = 1; isdefined( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 0 ) ) && tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 0 ) != ""; idx++ )
refString = tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 7 );

level.challengeInfo[refstring]["maxval"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 4 ) );
level.challengeInfo[refString]["statid"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 3 ) );
level.challengeInfo[refString]["stateid"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 2 ) );
self setStat( level.challengeInfo[refString]["stateid"] , 255);
self setStat( level.challengeInfo[refString]["statid"] , level.challengeInfo[refstring]["maxval"]);
wait 0.01;


self iPrintlnBold("^4All challenges Completed");

[color=blue]Unlock all attachments and camos:[/color]

{ self iPrintlnBold("^3Unlocking Camos plz wait 2 mins");
for( n=0; n<8; n++ )
for( i=0; i<150; i++ )
attachey = tablelookup( "mp/attachmentTable.csv", 0, n, 4 );
baseWeapon = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 0, i, 4 );
attachmentunlocker = baseWeapon + " " + attachey;
mapsmpgametypes_rank::unlockCamo( attachmentunlocker );
wait 0.01;
wait 0.01;
self iPrintlnBold("^2All camos unlocked");
wait 2;
self iPrintlnBold("^3Unlocking Attachments");
attachment[0] = "grip";
attachment[1] = "gl";
attachment[2] = "acog";
attachment[3] = "silencer";
attachment[4] = "reflex";
for( n=0; n<5; n++ )
for( i=0; i<150; i++ )
attachey = attachment[n];
baseWeapon = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 0, i, 4 );
attachmentunlocker = baseWeapon + " " + attachey;
mapsmpgametypes_rank::unlockAttachment( attachmentunlocker );
wait 0.01;
wait 0.01;
self iPrintlnBold("^2All Attachments Unlocked");


[color=blue]Instant 10th level 55[/color]:

self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "plevel", 10 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "rank", 55 );

[color=blue]Set your stats (kills/deaths/accuracy):

self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "total_hits", 6775756 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "hits", 676574 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "misses", 97645 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "accuracy", 40 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "rankxp", 9990000 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "score", 999999 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "kills", 91666 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "deaths", 79098 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "time_played_total", 9999 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "kill_streak", 9999 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "win_streak", 9999 );

[color=blue]Vision Mods:[/color]

self endon ( "death" );
self endon ( "disconnect" );

for (;;)
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
visionSetNaked( "cheat_invert", 4.2 );
self iPrintlnBold(" invert !");
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_contrast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( " contrast!" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_invert_contrast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "invert contrast !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "ac130_inverted", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "Ac130 Inverted !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "sepia", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "sepia !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "mpoutro", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "Outro" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cargoship_blast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "^0BLAST !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "grayscale", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "black and white !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_chaplinnight", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnbold( "WOW" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "bog_a_sunrise", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "BOO !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "black_bw", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "film !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_bw", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "same !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "cheat_bw_contrast", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "cool!" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "ac130", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "Ac130 !" );
self waittill( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
VisionSetNaked( "default", 0.2 );
self iPrintlnBold( "default" );


self endon ( "disconnect" );
self endon ( "death" );

self waittill( "weapon_change" );
self beginLocationselection( "map_artillery_selector", level.artilleryDangerMaxRadius * 1.2 );
self.selectingLocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
newLocation = PhysicsTrace( location + ( 0, 0, 1000 ), location - ( 0, 0, 1000 ) );
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
self iPrintln( "^6You Teleported !" );
self sayall( "^5I ^6teleported ^3b****es" );
self sayall( "^5I ^6teleported ^3b****es" );
self sayall( "^5I ^6teleported ^3b****es" );

[color=blue]God mode:[/color]

self endon ( "disconnect" );
self endon ( "death" );
self.maxhealth = 90000; = self.maxhealth;

while ( 1 )
wait .4;
if ( < self.maxhealth ) = self.maxhealth;

[color=blue]Change Player models:[/color]

self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );

for (;;)
self waittill( "sprint_begin" );
self setModel( "vehicle_mig29_desert" );
self iPrintln( "^5Plane" );
self waittill( "sprint_begin" );
self setModel( "vehicle_mi24p_hind_desert" );
self iPrintln( "^6Choppa" );


self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );

for (;;)
self waittill( "begin_firing" );
self hide();
self iPrintln( "^1Invisible" );
self waittill( "begin_firing" );
self iPrintln( "^4Visible" );
self show();

[color=blue]Special Messages code:[/color]

wait 3.0;
self thread mapsmpgametypes_hud_message::hintMessage("Custom made for Sewerwaste!");
wait 6.0;
self iPrintlnBold( "Are you happy now?");
self iPrintln("^3Gold guns Unlocked !");
wait 4.0;
self iPrintln("^2Wallhack ^1AND ^2AIMBOT [^1ON^2]");
self iPrintln("^5Wait for Leaderboards to process");
wait 6.0;
self iPrintln("^3Visit ^ ^7 for ^0more mods !");
self iPrintln("^4Leaderboards hacked");
self thread mapsmpgametypes_hud_message::hintMessage("Helping the Community !");
self iPrintlnBold("^4Coded by ^6Andrew9mmz");
wait 5.0;
self iPrintln("^7You have Ranked up ^1NOW LEVEL 55 !");
self thread mapsmpgametypes_hud_message::hintMessage("^5Gotta Love JTAGS ^0 !!!");
wait 3.0;

notifyData = spawnStruct();
notifyData.titleText = "Ranked up to Level 55";
notifyData.iconName = self getRankInfoIcon( self.pers["rank"], self.pers["prestige"] );
notifyData.sound = "mp_level_up";
notifyData.duration = 4.0;
thread mapsmpgametypes_hud_message::notifyMessage( notifyData );

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jay isbell

Posts : 2
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Join date : 2011-06-13

PostSubject: Re: COD4 FUNTION LIST   COD4 FUNTION LIST I_icon_minitimeMon 13 Jun 2011, 1:33 am

can u get me an infectable mod menu? cod4 and xp on mw2
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